Donut Shop Coffee - 2.25oz ground coffee per pack

Donut Shop Coffee - 2.25oz ground coffee per pack

This is a lively coffee blend of shade-grown Central and South American beans that will elevate your cup of morning Joe to new heights. This is a medium roast coffee, with bright acidity and incredible aroma.
24ct / 2.25oz Coffee Packets P22524 40ct / 2.25oz Coffee Packets P22540 64ct / 2.25oz Coffee Packets P22564
More coffee = stronger brew. Our 2.25oz coffee packet will provide you with a nice full-bodied coffee. Recommended for a coffee brewer that brews 10-12 cups per pot.

Each pre-measured packet makes 1 pot of delicious coffee. Want a stronger brew? Try a different weighted pack, the heavier the weight the stronger the brew and vice versa.
